
Called me Leo. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

just 4 u.

well, today is my bff special day..
so i would like to wish u HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET 18..!!
happy birthday to u~
happy birthday to u~
happy birthday to najihah~~~
happy birthday to u~
da tua da ko ye..
unfortunately,she's not around JB..
so we can't hangout together-gether.. sad..sob3...hahaa..i know..suppose she's the one yg perlu sedih..huhuu..
pity u,,,but as i'm a kind person,so i'd bought u something! ngee~
mayb i'll post it or i just give it to your mum..ok nagy?

actually, today also is my roomate birthday..
naik cuti nih bawak kek tau..
kalau tak x boleh masok bilik...huhuu
ayu nak ape?
bg gule2 20 sen je k..hak3

cerite pasal 12 oktober nih..
dtg idea nak tukar info besday kat FB aku yg sepatotnya 5 bulan lepas ke 12 oktober...
da lama da aku tukar sebenarnya..
2 3 bulan yg lepas..
jadik, hari ni...giler la byk org wish kat aku...!
wahhhh!! terima kasih ye kawan2..huhuu~
salah sorang akak aku pon wish jugak! huhuuu..
aduh,,mamai x cukop tidor kate nye...hehe..
dlm byk2 wall post ada lah yg ingat jugak hari ni bukan besday aku..
love u all lah~ hee~  <3
well,, aku decide x nak tuka balik besday aku kat FB..
nak jugak tgk sape yg wish besday aku nanti..
yg x ingat besday aku..aku x amek ati pon..
chill lah! sbb aku pon susah jugak nak ingat besday org nih..


anis aniesa said... tipu2 ey..hihih...

NR said...

Thanks syg!<3

Yellow LEOpard said...

welcome sygs~

RETROSZ Girl said...

nak adiah mcm2 taw..
klu bleh nk kete yg kt tv3 aritu..yg kaler merah..
paling2..kasut dance nike ke mcm lam citer step up
n plg penting..kne blanje mkn taw..kah3:D

Yellow LEOpard said...

haha..melampau eh..sape yg da janji nk blanje mkn??